Monday, 23 February 2009

The Descendance of Morcs

I've realised I do enjoy trying to find things that make me physically unique. I think it must be the same urge that drives those who believe in astrology try to spot personal traits confirming their star sign. (Incidentally I was amused by Stephen Fry ordering "If anyone here believes in astrology, you're banned!" on this week's QI).

For Christmas this year I got a copy of "A Short History of Progress" by Ronald Wright (my dad's obviously noticed my recent interest in the natural sciences). I'm currently on my second read-through, and will probably write another post about it at a later time.

I missed it on the first read because embarrassingly I assumed the "nape" of the neck was at the front, but this time I noticed the following quote which is in the context of considering whether we evolved purely from Cro-Magnons, or whether some of us have Neanderthal blood ties too.

I also have personal evidence that Neanderthal genes may still be with us. A few modern people have telltale ridges on their heads. I happen to have one - a bony shelf across the back of the skull that looks and feels like the Neanderthal Bun. So until new findings come along to settle the matter, I choose to believe that Neanderthal blood still flows, however faint, in the Cro-Magnon tide.

Wright is referring here to the Occipital Bun. This was very interesting to me as I've always wondered whether the lump at the back of my head was normal (but always forgot before I had chance to compare with anyone else!) I'm not sure if it's actually big enough to be a real Neanderthal Bun, but it does look (well, feel) like the picture here.

Someone suggested that would explain why I have "Mr Tickle" arms too.

Monday, 16 February 2009

Clean Up

In case anyone notices, I've deleted all of the posts from the America trip, as it's now better documented on my Facebook profile.

In other news: watch this space for the podcast!